Tuesday 5 February 2008

The new Ideas

here i am with my new ideas on my sketchbook.(that i try now to put on the blog)

recently i have looked deep into cybersociety and cyberculture,cyberpunk and i found few interesting loots books about it in the library, but even more then anythink the jounals on-line have been really helpfull.

I'm looking lot into the biomechanoids of Giger, and other integration, human machine describe in book of cyberpunk, as well as Stelarc and his combination body-machines

the question that i left before Xmas still over there, and partially they sill unresolved...

how to criticize the future digital culture and the abuse of technology??
how to make art in within the digital media to critisize the media itself??

i need to upload my proposal for whom havent really read it)

im now working at 3 differents and separets way.

1st IDEA: are paintings in the street (street-art) that i have started to experiment, in my idea this were distortions of a drawing to make look from a front point of view, really elongating in the side, and for a really angolate point of view the seems proportionated. I was thing now to drawing this posters at home and them stick them into the street to see how thwy look like, but using the projector to distort'em haven't rally worked. so next step is taking the drawing that I'm doing, scan them and then print them on long piece of paper to then stick them in the street.

2nd IDEA: I am gardening old computers!!! or better i still need to find old computers to do that, but i want to integrate few computers with plants, as an installation, and make them grow into the computer while the computer is working, and at the same time make the computer work. im try to explore this parallel between nature and machine. trying to make the point of my critic on an installation that combines this two together. So far is still just an idea, and just sketches on my Notebook, so i need to undestand how it will be possible. but soon i may be able to far lots of baby computers by planting them, integrate nice plants and motherboards and all sort of thinks like that...

3rd IDEA: the last idea is the first one that was in my mind at the beginning, doing some illustration of futuristics dystopya of our world if the continous abuse of enviroment, comunication will trasform human being into creature that just sitt in fron of the computer in the dark of their room.

i still just on the sketch phase of this illustrations, trying to undestand which kind of subject I will put inside the illustrations, and if I want them to become more tridimentional and integrate them with other object to create more an installation rather that a normal illustration.

this are so far the lasts thoughts and ideas that I am working on...

lets see where this ideas will lead me, bur if i grow a tomato/RAM memory, someone wants to come come to mine and have a salad with me???????
